healthy boundaries

Your Birthrights

I am so excited to publish this episode about our 5 birthrights and a return to Pia Mellody's Model. This episode is critical to understanding the perspective we bring to the table at Community Routes. This whole episode is full of personal breakthroughs for Samuel and Sarah as we tackle some significant topics. What rights are we owed as humans? Where are we wounded?

As Julie will cover, "to look at these core issues is not to blame, but to get our story straight. "

Off the Beaten Path with Sharon Martin

Join us as Julie and Sarah talk with Sharon Martin, a therapist from California. Sarah, Julie, and Sharon discuss codependency, self-control, boundaries, healthy relationships and more! This is definitely a packed episode and Sharon was a treat. Definitely check out Sharon's blogs and handouts on a variety of mental health topics to support your healing journey. You can check her out at

Community Routes: Codependency

Hey neighbors! Samuel here. My voice is shot, but I'm glad I get a chance to send you this message anyway. "The crew is back in-person!" We finally met in JHR Headquarters: Worthington, Ohio. You can feel the energy in the room. I am so excited for y'all to hear our newest episode. We talk about the buzzword "Codependency" and what it means to have an unhealthy, boundariless relationship. We also dive into healthy relationship practices and what healthy boundaries look like. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I do!

Community Routes: Boundaries

In this episode, we talk about walls and boundary violations, and how to develop a secure sense of self through mutual respect. We also explore functional boundaries from recovery guru Pia Mellody and Terry Real.

Off the Beaten Path with Jason Wellman

In this crossover episode, Julie Richards and Adrianne Johnson join Dr. Jason Wellman, as he takes us along his journey of mental health after trauma and creating a safe space for others to share theirs. We discuss the importance of safe support for healing, and how he incorporates this in the leadership of his staff.